Friday, March 14, 2008

The Potscast Awards Return


Best Picture:

  • The Chess Coach And Kids:

  • Treacy's Over-Exuberance:

  • Duck-Arse Picking His Nose:

  • Lambe, His Curry And Omera Mumba:

  • A Stoner, Ms. Sweeney's There Aswell:

  • Lambe With The Tri-Colour Fluttering In The Background:

  • Ken Doherty's Angry:

  • Freeman Runs Off With His Love:

  • Pat Doyle Models For Tommy Hilfiger:

  • Mr. Munn's Reading Difficulties:

Saddest Moment:

  • Mr. Vaughan leaving

  • Pat Patterson leaving:

  • Hogan returning from the Philipines, alive

  • Kilbane's arrival:

Best Teacher:

  • Pat Doyle
  • John Doyle
  • Mr. Lambe
  • Pat Patterson
  • Vinnie Mac
  • Other....

Worst Teacher:

  • R'n'B
  • Kilbane
  • Hogan
  • Mulchrone
  • Other....

Funniest Moment (Of 2007/08): (Shortlist, pick your top 5 to make the nominees)

  • Me jumping across the desk in Irish to make Niall laugh
  • Niall returning the favour in Irish by making me laugh: "Go hang your bollocks off Patrick Dempsey's eybrows"
  • Pat Doyle making his actuary joke
  • Ms. Miller lasts 2 and a half classes: "You can all go and fuck yourselves"
  • Woulfe: "Kealan put your phone away" Kealan: "I'm just checking the time" EW: "It's not allowed, get a watch, or ask me" KP: "What time is it?" Fogo: "Get out"
  • Pat Doyle walks into history looking for someone, after he leaves: Hogan: "I'll never wash these floors again" Kealan: "You never wash these floors" RH: "Of course I do, I'm on my knees at the weekend washing them" Kealan: "That cum stain has been on the floor for years"
  • Brushy: "There's no blacks in the school" Hogan: "Jennings..." (Everyone continues talking unaware that was supposed to be a joke)
  • Duffy: "I did Ms.Woulfe, she was shite"
  • This whole class of English: Some drug-addict called Ms. Miller says she's teaching us English while Hogan's gone;P. Kelly: "I'm David Caffrey" Luke (as Borat) "David Caffrey on detention!.......I want to make sex explosion on your face"; Philip reads his essay "My Ideal Afternoon": "I was sitting in my kitchen on an 2-legged wooden chair with only a mocha-choca-chino for was a gay afternoon"; Lorenzo writes "I love Ms. Miller" on his essay and signs off as James Brennan; Lorcan: "Well first of all Miss, Mr.Hogan usually teaches with his top off"
  • Woulfe has lights off for projector, Dotsy comes in and turns them on, he goes in the black book. Others come in, Dylan and Duffy "Turn on those lights there". Keegan (who else) falls for it, Fogo: "Keegan just get out", E.W: "Keegan just get out"
  • French: News was coming through that Shane McShite was expelled (YES!), Niall: "It was consensual" Me: "It was consensual, then they expelled him"
  • Hogan: "There's a few technical problems with the Wall Of Sound" Fionan: "You should get rid of all that crap (beside the window) and put it there" Hogan: "No, I want it down there so I can look at it from here over Kilduff's oddly shaped head.....That's been building up in me since the Philipines"
  • Doyle: "So if you spin it along the y-axis, what shape do you get?" Fuzzy: "A donut" PD: "Yes, one of those round-shaped donuts with chocolate on top, they're gorgeous and all that"
  • 23 May 2007-Mr. Byrne's Election Poster:

That's all so far, much more to come

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