Tue 6 May:
Hogan: “I am not what I am” Paddy: “You’re not an English teacher”
Dylan (on Millea) “He’s a bit odd miss, isn’t he?”
2 May:
Pat telling people new rules mean you have to sign in, “If you don’t you’ll be shot”
Sam: “Miss, is that an engagement ring on your finger?” Kearns: “Who’d marry her?”
Paddy: “I’m the model student compared to Kealan”
Hogan: “Collins landed on the moon, is there anything this man can’t do?”
Hogan (to me) “If I find out that was you [the posters] I’ll crush you”
Hogan: “Find something to write on” Lorcan: “A Bob Dylan poster”
Pat: “Now this is the Mr. Big of vectors”
30 April:
After we have our English mock Hogan is rushing us out, Me: “Don’t worry I’ll lock up” Hogan: “Look at what you did the last time you were here”
Sam texts Goose ‘She’s [Kilbane] looking good today’ and Goose shows her.
26 April:
Ellie: “That has short question written all over it” Dotsy: “I Don’t see it”
Hogan: “Who wrote Bob Dylan is shit……I’ve sent that away for tests and if it comes back Paddy Allen you’d better run for the hills”
Furlong: “What do we do if none of the poets we studied come up?” Hogan: “That would only happen if I’m an idiot”
25 April:
Kearns: “Miss, just answer this. Are you interested in Sam?….She’s saying nothing, she must be”
(Free w/ Johnny H) Lorcan: “There appears to be some graffiti on the walls. John Lennon was actually a member of the Nazi Party”
24 April:
PD: “Why are so many people out sick?”Rob: “Studying” Pat: “Ah, a very noble pursuit”
23 April:
Pat: “Senior GAA training….is there a senior GAA team?”
Byrne: “Patrick, there are 2 ways of paying attention and you are doing neither”
Pat made a mistake, “I know out of politeness you didn’t point that out…of course if you did you’d be visited and beaten up”
Dan: “It’s like a gameshow, different themed weeks” Hogan: “Next week it’s contextualisation week, then it’s Mock II week-The Mocks Part II: This time it’s personal”
BoF (To Fionan): “Why don’t you leave instead of moaning every day about it” Rob: “Says BoF”
BoF: “I’d laugh if one of the questions on the LC was ‘was Hitler an astute politician’” Hogan: “We’d have to look for copyright”
22 April:
Ellie was in the paper…Dotsy: “Just because you were in the paper you think you can do what you want”
Planning graduation: Wondering what teacher we’ve had since first year that should read-Hugh: “Ms. Ceady. No the B-Man (Lambe), I’d say he’d do it”
21 April:
Pat: “Is that [cricket] trip abroad?” Rob: “Yeah, it’s in Durham, in England” Andy: “We know where Durham is”
17 April:
Deco: “Sir, there are no paragraphs in this sample answer, it’s just one big point” Hogan: “It’s a great essay” Daragh: “I’d give it a B2” Hogan: “Daragh and Declan talking at the same time in class? You could have started that 2 years ago” Hugh: “I don’t get it”
16 April:
Sam: “Miss, will you still be in the school next year?” KK: “Yes” Sam: “Not after the Debs you won’t”
Byrne comes in: “Can I borrow that plug please?” Paddy: “No you cannot”
Hogan trying to say Gregory XVI “George the 16th…Is that right?” Furlong: “It’s Gregory the 16th” Hogan: “I used to be really good at Roman numerals. I could count up to 1,000” Rob: “Yeah it’s M”
Doing the pluperfect, Byrne writing sentences on board. Starts writing ‘If she was younger..’, then he stops. Sparky: “You’re getting into a risky situation there” Byrne writes ‘..I’d be in jail’, rubs it out then writes ‘..I’d take her to the cinema’. Andy: “It’d be dark”
15 April:
Fahy: “Will you be asked to compare ‘Jack’ and ‘An Bhean Og’?” Gillanders: “Is that a serious question?”
Rob: “Do we have to study the history of the poems?” Gillanders: “No, students in my class have got A1s and not done it”
14 April:
Ellie: “What department is in charge of hospitals?” Millea: “Dept. of Health…Yeah, that’s ordinary level showing you up”
11 April:
Pat (on Matrices): “If something freaky happens, you’re probably right”
Some woman having lunch outside, Kearns shouts out: “Hello, I’m Kathleen Kilbane”
10 April:
Hogan: “They should make a film on the Treaty Negotiations, it’d be great” Langan: “You as Michael Collins” BoF: “Lloyd George” Hogan: “Kealan you’d be Kitty O’Shea. You’d look well in a dress”
Paddy: “Sir, I saw you walking across the yard on Monday morning with your trousers up around your nipples”
Woulfe won’t give Fogo notes from the projector. Gives them to Fionan – Fogo: “Oh I see, give them to Fionan, favour him.” Ellie: “Yeah, that’s exactly what I’m doing”
Keegan has no h.w, Dotsy: “Keegan just get out now”
9 April:
PD: “That’s a very good calculator”
Woulfe is in all white- Duffy: “Paddy, it’s your lucky day”
She bends over at desk beside me, I’m staring – Keegan hits me- “Oi, takes those glasses off”
8 April:
Hogan lists out qualities like charming, beautiful (talking about Iago)- Hogan: “Unlike Hugh Murray, yes” Paddy Kelly: “Unlike Richard Hogan”
7 April:
Woulfe talking about advertising to kids: “They’ll tell them buy this and you’ll have more friends” Dotsy: “Some loser kid buys them”
Woulfe: “In college we got an interview with Eddie O’Connor [of Aitricity] and I was so sick that day and two of the guys from my team were so hungover. We were in a state and he had no time for us” Millea: “I bet you weren’t sick Miss, you were hungover aswell”
Hogan: “Vichy France” – he pronounces it ‘Vicky’.
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