Thursday, February 01, 2007

A Fortnight of Hilarity

Considering I haven't updated in a while here's all that has happened since Mon Jan 15:

R.E: Fionan aims apple at bin but hits Maloney's TV cabinet instead.
Freeman comes in and asks to take Goose, Fionan puts up hand,
Freeman: "What?"
Fionan: "Take me!"

French: Byrner: "That door has opened 10 or 15 times today and it's a pain in the ass"; "The family eat fish and meat".
B.S: Lorcan and Fionan have Sam's phone and it starts ringing in class, Woulfe takes it. Message on it says: "Give Sam back his phone or you won't be able to have kids when I'm finished with you!" Must have been from Debbie.

Sam and Goose have fight in yard and milk goes all over window.
Niall: "What's Prison Break, is it a documentary?"

B.S: Woulfe: "O.K, stop talking please" Duffy: "Or wha?"
While correcting Duffy's test: Woulfe: "O.K Alan just get out", Duffy leaves and throws bag into locker, Fionan (in bogger accent): "I'm cool."

Friday (26th):
B.S: Mark: "Mr. Daly said..." Lorcan (in Daly's accent): "It's Father!!!!!!!!!!"
Fionan sitting on edge of seat, rolls back with legs in air.

R.E: Maloney has a breakdown after Ciaran asks why we are studying Jade Goody. After Duffy kicks Fionan, she SHOUTS at him: "I TOLD YOU TO MOVE SO MOVE!!!!!!!!!"; "This is retarded", Fionan: "Why did you call me retarded?" Someone slagged S Mc Shite, Lorcan: "You slagged Shane McKnight, how dare you1" (Obviously there was a slight sarcasm in his voice)

French: Mc Shite asleep, AGAIN! Byrner: "Shane, Shane, SHANE!" SmcK: "I'm not asleep, I'm looking downwards." Byrne: "Don't take it personally Shane, I'm just telling you to pay attention."

B.S: Conor Murphy: "Terenure and Blackrock are hot this year."

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