Sunday, September 14, 2008

From The End Of School Going Back - Part1 (Exams)

All the quotes I have I never published:

Tue 17 Jun 08:
AK+JD: (Tallking of Miley's 'Well Holy God' in Glenroe) JD says it, AK: "That's not how he says it-'Well Holy God'" JD:"No, Well Holy God" AK: (in Italian accent):"Well Holy God"

Caller's ma found condoms in her bag, AK: "Slapper" JD: "What?" AK: "Who said that?" JD: "If someone found condoms in my handbag.." AK: "What are you doing with a handbag?" JD: "It was a stage I went through"

Wed 11 June:
Maher asks me and a few others to go get our pictures taken with Irish Times in yard. Duffy: "Get rid of Ms.Hayes..Miss, someone over there wants you" When photographer asks his name he says: "Martin Freeman"

Thur 5 June:
AK+JD: JD:"What county is the garden of Ireland?" Caller: "Westmeath" JD: "No, thats the kip of Ireland, I asked for the garden of Ireland"

Wed 4 June:
In yard, Hogan's in sandals; Duffy calls him Jesus......I have my bag open, Duffy: "Look sir, that's where Paddy put all your pictures, he doesn't like Cork people.....see you Richie (he doesn't reply) or not"