Saturday, May 17, 2008

After Christmas - February

Mon 7 Jan:
R.E: Lorcan (to Maloney): "Are you into all of that family bondage....oh, bonding?"

Tue 8 Jan:
French: Byrne left some kids he was meant to talk to outside door, someone reminds him at end: "Oh shit"

Wed 9 Jan:
Maths: Pat was back (had been out), puts on jacket and leaves room, Furlong: "He's gone again, he's teasing us, playing hard-to-get"

Thur 10 Jan:
AK + JD: AK: "I was wallpapering today" JD: "Yeah, lashing your paste the wall" AK: "I was DIY-ing all day" JD: "Well, your hand must be in bits" AK: "Yeah, it goes everywhere" Caller: "I'm a taxi-driver" JD: "So how do you know so much about DIY?" AK: "Well I'm a radio-presenter" JD: "That's debatable"

Back to wallpaper: JD: "Knowing your tastes it's probably floral wallpaper" AK: "Yeah" JD: "Jesus Christ"

Mon 21 Jan:
B.S: Fionan keeps asking questions, Lorcan: "Is this class dedicated to you Fionan?"

Tue 22 Jan:
R.E: Maloney (to Daragh): "Fuck's sake, you keep talking" - She gives a lecture, there's silence, Millea: "Who are you talking to?"

Maloney (to Duffy): "What's your favourite film?" Lorcan (as Duffy): "Shaving Private Ryan"

Maloney: "I feel like a mother here" Fionan: "Nurse me" Lorcan: "Incest" Maloney: "What would Mr. Doyle say if I told him you said that, it's so insulting"

Lorcan: "Sam is like yer man Lou off 'Little Britain'......yeah, but no" Fionan: "That's his bird"

French: Paddy: "Sir, do you speak German?" Byrne:"...NO!"

Thur 24 Jan:
Classhead: Pat: "Who didn't get a mock timetable?" Millea: "Oh, I need one" Lorcan: "No, that's the wrong one, you need the Junior Cert one"

B.S: Lorcan: "What's wrong Mark [Millea] do you need your crayons?"

AK + JD: JD: "They have divorce parties now" AK: "Yeah there was one at my gig last week" JD: "Anything to plug the gig, everything happens at your gig. They're having circumcisions at your gig"

Mon 28 Jan:
Hist: Hogan: "There'll be no bias, I don't hate any of you that much, apart from Robert" Brushy: "Rob's small" Hogan: "I don't know Robert, you just rub me up the wrong way....oh, wait"

Someone: "Can we quote you? As Hogan said: 'Hitler was an astute politician'" Kealan: "As Stephen Tonge said; 'N***ers are faggots'" Hogan: "Just because you write a history book, it doesn't make you an historian. If you write a book on poetry, you don't become a poet" Rob: "Is that a dig at your brother?"

Tue 29 Jan:
B.S: Jamal and Kealan pushing, Woulfe: "Kealan!" Kealan: "He was slagging my nephew" Ellie: "How old is he?" KP:"He's.." Jamal: "Black" EW: "Are you the godfather?" KP: "No, it's my uncle" Jamal: "He's black"

AK + JD: JD: "I bet your mother was like Margaret Thatcher" AK: "I heard your's was aswell" JD: "Hard as nails, the iron lady" AK: "I heard your's looked like Margaret Thatcher" JD: "I heard your ma loked like Dennis Thatcher" AK: "I'm gonna throw this at you" JD: "Tell Thatch I said hello"

Wed 6 Feb 08:
AK + JD: JD: "I was eating a Chinese earlier, then I went out for something to eat"

Thur 14 Feb:
Hist: Hogan was out, so we had Beard, to Fionan: "If you don't put that [ipod] away I'll confiscate it", he doesn't, Beard takes it, Fionan: "I was in the process of putting it away" Beard: "Well, I'm in the process of taking it" Fionan: "When can I get it back?" Beard: "I'm in the process of deciding that"

Beard reading something, Brushy: "What currency is that?" Beard: "Canadian-Dollar" BoF: "We could do with some maple syrup in here"

R.E: (Speaking of Georgie): Lorcan: "He's a prick in his house; 'Ma, get me shum fucking breakfasht'"

Maloney: "I saw Sam in Tesco in Artane, I couldn't go over to him with no make-up on" Duffy: "Who, him or you?"

Kilduff: "Miss, are you invited to Mr. Hogan's wedding?" Fionan: "They're re-enacting the 1916 Rising"

Someone: "Are you going to Mr. McMorrow's wedding?" Lorcan: "I see them in the airport every mid-term. He's in front of the screen with his notebook taking down the times. 'Ah yes, we're leaving in 13 minutes'" Phili: "He's a plane-spotter"

Mon 18 Feb:
AK + JD: JD: "I go for walks on the beach in Donabate, at night, by myself" AK: "What were you doing there?" JD: "Walking my dog" AK: "You don't have a dog" JD: "I know, it's a good excuse when the Guards pull me over, I'm looking for my dog"

Tue 19 Feb:
AK + JD: JD: "Is there an Emo Garage in Dublin? It's not where depressed teenagers go" AK: "Oh, I know where it is, I went there once" JD: "Don't tell them....wait, why were you in that neck of the woods?" AK: " was on my way home" JD: "No way were you on your way home"

Wed 20 Feb:
Hist: Hogan: "They said JJ Lee (his idol) was full of bias at the inservice, they were criticising him. They stopped as soon as they heard my Cork accent...I was about to go all medieval on their ass...I was going to text him and tell him, I still hav his number from when I stalked him"

Classhead: Pat: "Any Student Council Class Reps?" Phili puts up his hand OD: "Oh, congratulations, meeting.."

Maths: (Describing Integration by product or something) Pat: "I like to call these questions a double-portion"

B.S: Ellie: "So is anyone going to that revision workshop?" Millea: "Oh yeah, Miss, I'm not going"

Fri 22 Feb:
Before P.E (Day of Irish Times article): Luke: "That was Michael (caretaker) that wrote that article (does accent) 'I have to clean very dirty school'" 5th Year: "They put toilet-roll on toilet and piss on it"