Sunday, December 10, 2006

Why Is Our School so Depressing?

Because Jenny Jenko didn't let anybody dress up on non-uniform day. Thats the point, its NON-uniform day, not wear-in-ordinary-clothes-day, because thats a uniform in itself. And it's for charity anyway.

Friday, December 01, 2006

A Lot To Get Off My Chest

I havent updated in a while so there's a lot to talk about. First:

A transcript from tuesdays business (aka bizorg) class, the day of the love-bite:

Woulfe: (calling roll) Alan,

Duffy: Hickey, I mean here

Duffy: Who's been gnawing on your neck!!

Todays (fridays) bizorg:

Woulfe: O.K take off your coats, gloves and everything,

Mark: What you want us to sit here in the nip?!

Todays History:
Hogan: Anyone ever been on the N8 to Cork?

Me: (fairly loudly) No

Hogan: Are you proud of that fact (then he says my name, which i wont say)?

Also, great news, Co'c, Michael et al will be in shit for not cumming (no pun intended) into school. Daly took a roll at the end of the day. Conor Murphy just runs out the classroom as soon as he finds out he is, so he can get on detentionsssshhhhhhhhh again.....sssssssssshhhhhhhhhhh