Thursday, June 29, 2006

Jake Stevens goes to Blessington

jake stevens goes to blessington.WAV
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Apres Match - You're On Sky Sports

EA trying to screw me....not literally

The ball as you can see is clearly over the line, but wasnt awarded. this is okay in real life, but this is a computer-it should know.

Monday, June 26, 2006


Apres Match - FAI Heads -Hilarious

Thursday, June 22, 2006


Still in trial mode

The whole video thing is still in trial mode thats why the it came up twice. same with the teachers who look like celebrities post-i havent a clue how to work this thing.

YES-I can embed videos....seriously this time

I hope it works.

YES-I can embed videos....I think


Tuesday, June 20, 2006

Teachers Who Look Like Celebrities 2

The original Mr.Delaney lookalike

Delaney (on left)

Mr Delaney?
How many Mr.Delaney lookalikes are there?!

Didnt know mr byrne played for Brazil.

Deadly Videos

There are links to the right to see alter bridge (not the actual video), naked camera, chciane and 12 stones.

Sunday, June 18, 2006

My New Blog

This is my blog for all of you so I dont have to make anymore CDs. I'll slag all of the usual suspects (ken, pdiddy etc.) I havent a clue how to add videos or sounds but there is a way so I'll find it. And I wont be updating this daily or anything because I'm not that sad.

And Niall, I wont be getting msn if i have this.

Ken Doherty